- Our Memories -

Cozy At Home Newborn Session

This week, we are so delighted to share this amazingly warm + sweet newborn session that we did in a client’s home in Santa Monica.

When welcoming your new addition to the family, we totally get it – it can be a lot. That’s what is so wonderful about these sessions at home, you don’t have to go anywhere! If you are comfortable at home and enjoying slowly welcoming your newborn into the world, you are in the perfect location as far as we’re concerned! The newborn photography that we do at clients’ houses in this sort of lifestyle fashion always just turn out so wonderfully authentic and organic – which is what we love!

It truly is a perfect setting to naturally capture the love within your family and guide you through some snuggly prompts that truly brings out those sweet moments throughout the session. We really can use any section of your home that feels comfortable to you! Plus, typically people design or decorate their home in a way that vibes with them, so it really adds to the “personalized + sentimental” aspect of the memories you’ll get to cherish forever. If at this exact moment, you’re looking around your house feeling slightly insecure about the state of your house – don’t! That’s the whole point of having a lifestyle newborn photography session! Seriously, we can make any little nook in your home, bedroom, or patio feel like it’s straight out of a home + garden magazine! Just as you are is perfect to us!

With that said! We must also take this opportunity to say it is always helpful to organize backgrounds a bit in the way that you would like them depicted – picking up clutter, toys, etc. If you don’t want it in background, find a different place for it. Otherwise, leave it! If you haven’t gathered yet at this point – we love capturing the unique and special beauty that is you and your family. So whatever that looks like to you, we are all for it! For example, in this session we had sweet moments of Dad playing “clean-up” with their daughter which made for some super precious moments while Mama fed the little guy. It really is these sweet, authentic moments that you’re going to look back on with the warmest memories of.

If you’re still wondering “Should I do newborn photos at home” or even looking for a newborn photographer “near me”, hopefully you can stop wondering and looking after looking through these sweet moments 😉

Another question we often get is, do we need props for our newborn photography session? We don’t necessarily need props, but they can elevate some of that “lifestyle” or candid nature of the session wonderfully! Here in this session, the bottle made a great prop, as we were able to get some lovely moments of the big sister feeding her little brother. We can of course incorporate other props in staged shots, such as wicker baskets, stuffed animals, snuggly blankets, etc. Really at the end of the day, whatever might be sentimental and make sense to you – we would love to incorporate it!

We are also more than happy to come to you for no additional travel fee as long as you’re within our typical range of travel. These areas include Santa Barbara county, Ventura county, Ojai, Santa Paula Malibu, Santa Monica, most areas of Los Angeles, and everywhere in between. We are always up for a little getaway though too! So please feel free to give us a call or drop us a message and we would love to start planning your perfect at home newborn session.

One last perk of an at home newborn session is that we can even parooze your neighborhood afterwards to capture some sweet memories in the neighborhood that you’re family is flourishing within! This family was lucky enough to live right across from Palisades Park in Santa Monica, which was just absolutely perfect for us. But truly, how sweet is it to have memories on the same sidewalks that you take your evening walks on?! We think very sweet indeed! 🙂


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