- Our Memories -

Joshua Tree Tomorrow + A Wedding In Santa Barbara

Hi everyone!

I am headed to Joshua Tree tomorrow and am so excited to meet the kids I get to teach! This camp is lasting 3 days and will consist of some wilderness training, rock climbing, and adventuring! Seems like it will be an absolute blast. I also had time to go on a gorgeous sunset hike yesterday in Ojai as a little “goodbye hike” since I won’t be around for a few days. It was an amazing hike up above the clouds in the rolling hills and oak trees bordering Ojai. I would love to share some shots with you all, but I actually left my camera for this one. Sometimes it’s really nice to just leave the camera at home and savor the moment as it unfolds rather than being preoccupied trying to capture it… Which I am now just realizing is not the kind of thing I should put in a blog when I rely off exactly that for my income. But hey – I guess that’s why I do what I do, so you can savor those moments completely!

In other news, I am finally catching up on sharing some work with you guys and will keep sharing the weddings and family sessions that I have been finishing up in the past week. Here’s a few teaser frames from a wedding I shot up in Santa Barbara a few weeks back. Such a wonderful time filled with mariachi music, love, and lots of laughter!

Stay tuned for more!

~ Trev


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