- Our Memories -

Wow, do I have some catching up to do…

So, I clearly am not as good about this blog thing as I once had optimistically suggested. But I swear – I have an explanation! I have been traveling the past month or so and have tons of fun shoots, memories, and experiences to share with you all!

In the beginning of May I went back to the midwest to visit my family in Chicago, which is always nice because I can also work a little while I am home. I know some people like to take their family vacation time very seriously, but I love being able to capture some memories for friends and family while I am visiting! I will do a few posts following to share some of those wonderful sessions. I had a few senior portrait sessions along with a family session that went just amazing. Believe it or not, there are some beautiful locations to appreciate in Chicago… just not as many as the oh-so-glorious California. No, there are not rolling hills, or snow capped mountains, or oak and palm trees… but there are some peaceful lakes and trees to offer some amazing landscapes for portraits around that golden hour! Especially now that spring is upon us everything is just so vibrant, the people are happy winter is over, it is by far the best time to visit Chicago! So, I will be sharing some of those memories soon ~ stay tuned!

From Chicago, I basically went straight to Italy with my family for our yearly family vacation! What a wonderful surprise. It was such an amazing opportunity, because believe it or not – I have never been out of the country other than some trips to Mexico. I know, I need to expand my reach beyond this country, but it just has such a diverse amount of beauty to offer! I don’t want to spoil too much about the journey to Italy, but I can tell you it was a once in a lifetime experience. We flew into Rome and spent a couple days wandering the ever-charming, cobblestone streets eating Italian pizza and pasta, drinking good wine, indulging in the sweetest gelato – ahh, what more could you as for? Then we boarded a train over to Naples to visit the Pompei ruins and enjoy the majestic view of Mount Vesuvius upon the horizon… and once again, more pizza, pasta, and wine. Then took a ride to the Amalfi Coast to get away from the big city life, enjoying the cozy little hillside towns with endless routes of stairs to get around town. Lots and lots of stairs. I feel as if I may be the only person who visits Italy and leaves actually slimmer than I showed up as… So. Many. Stairs! Also, I don’t think I can eat pizza and pasta for a month after that trip… But regardless, such a magnificent time! What an amazingly unique and culture rich place! I can’t wait to share some of the moments that journey as well as I catch up with you guys. So stay tuned for lots of fun to share!

Until then ~ Ciao!


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