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Happy 4th Everyone!

Hi everyone!

Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July! I have been busy, busy, busy and was really excited to spend the 4th up in Paso Robles with some friends and family. We all had a little get together at my friends ranch and made homemade pizza around a cozy bonfire. It’s always refreshing to spend this time with people that are close to you. I think that just as much as this holiday has become a nation-wide excuse to light off explosives and drink excessive amounts of alcohol – it is also a great day to simply celebrate your freedom to be alive, your freedom to not be forced into slavery, your freedom to speak your mind, your freedom to take action where action deems necessary. This holiday is one that brings along a whole lot of gratitude in my mind. As messy as this country gets sometimes, it sure is quite a blessing to have the freedom that it does bring in comparison to other parts of our world. So this 4th of July, I exercised my freedom to simply relax with the people I love rather than being consumed by work and worry. That is a pretty solid way to celebrate in my opinion!

I know I keep saying this in past blog posts, but I have SO much to share soon. Read on later this week for some exciting sessions I have been working on amongst other memories! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and stays cool through this crazy heat wave! I suggest going for a refreshing cleanse in the ocean, that’s my plan. 🙂


Stay tuned




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