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It’s Isla’s 1st Birthday!

I am so excited this week, because I finally get to celebrate my little pup’s first birthday!

I believe the 27th is Isla’s birthday, but I am not exactly sure. I found her on Craigslist, believe it or not, from a family who had a bunch of these puppies and were trying to find new homes for them. I am not exactly sure what her birthday is, but I know that it was sometime in late July.  For whatever reason, I have always been drawn to the number 27, so that is the day I am assigning for her celebrated day of the year! In my opinion, a birthday is defined by a day to celebrate one’s life and all the things you appreciate them for. So, it doesn’t necessarily matter what day it is to us, as long as she knows how much she is loved on her special day!

I think the agenda will consist of, numerous bones and toys, a long hike up above Santa Barbara, and then come down to run on the beach. If I was a dog, I don’t think I could imagine a better day. The first month that I had her, I took her backpacking in Malibu (although advised not to). I know, I know – what are you doing taking a puppy out into the wild without all of her shots!? Well, being that she is a dog and dogs were domesticated from the wild wolves, and that she belongs outdoors enjoying nature, I believe that she rightfully deserves to experience the wildness at an early age as well! And no, that doesn’t mean I am just letting her go wild, eating random droppings off the ground, playing with wild animals, etc. I just didn’t want to lock her in a box of a home for the first part of her life. I think she should be able to experience the vastness of our world and enjoy it throughout every part of her life! Here is to many more years of being wild!

Stay tuned for some fun memories!

Yes, I am trying to get better at this whole “blogging thing”. Going to try to amp these up to once a week!




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