- Our Memories -

Secret Proposal At Butterfly Beach

You know how sometimes you can just be so certain that two people are absolutely meant for eachother and their love just radiates off of them? These two were one of those couples.

They were enjoying a nice relaxing afternoon at the stunning Rosewood Miramar Beach Resort in Montecito and Sam started to lead Lee towards the beach. He told Lee that they were going to go check out something that the hotel was setting up for them on the beach for dinner. The wonderful ladies at Santa Barbara Picnic Co set up a gorgeous little picnic set up for them on the beach with champagne and flowers. I chatted with Sam beforehand to make sure that he knew where to direct Lee so I could get that perfect shot of her reaction, and it worked out absolutely perfectly! Lee was absolutely astonished and didn’t expect a thing! I think her face says it all on this one.

Aside from the proposal being an absolute success, these two were such a fun, energetic, and easy-going couple that made capturing their excitement and love so naturally easy. They were so thankful of us being there to share this moment with them. Not to toot my own horn, but they said, multiple times throughout our session together, “you’re the perfect photographer to have here with us!”. And I couldn’t agree more! We really jived well with eachother and had an absolute blast shooting together! These moments during secret proposals truly make me so happy. Every time, I just have the biggest smile on my face. It’s such a special feeling to be able to share such an amazing moment with two people. I always leave feeling fulfilled and overjoyed for the entire rest of the day. It’s that feeling that reminds me why I do what I do! 🙂


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