- Our Memories -

Evening Family Session In Ojai

I have been loving how things have been picking up lately! It seems like people are finally feeling comfortable again and it’s awesome to see all of the small businesses keeping their doors open! I have also noticed that people are finding different ways to get together as families, or even for their wedding or proposal. I kind of like that aspect of everything because it has been encouraging people to get creative with their experience as family or loved ones.

This family booked an Air Bnb for the weekend in the always magical valley of Ojai to come together for a reunion after being forced to stay their distances for so long. So, they wanted me to come by the house to be able to have some memories of this trip they took together. I have thought about the concept through this pandemic, that this is such a unique and important time to have memories on to look back on. I mean, let’s be honest, this is one of the craziest moments in the time that we’ve been living on earth – even my grandma said so! And the fact that we are all getting through it and coming together to persevere is just absolutely amazing. It’s definitely something to appreciate and bring us all a sense of gratitude for not only being together with loved ones, but for life in general!

This family was such a great time. Plus the property is just absolutely gorgeous! I mean they literally rented a farmhouse in Ojai for the weekend – how cool is that!? So, we explored through the orchard on the property and shared some laughs and good company for the hour. I love the fact that you can walk into a session meeting someone and their family for the first time, then end up feeling like friends afterwards. There’s something about being able to get people in their true candid nature that is just so organic and really expresses the love that they truly have for each other as a family. I hope you all enjoy some of my favorite memories from the session!


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